Friday, January 7, 2011


Wow, it has been so long since I posted, life has been busy to say the least! The kids are growing, I am finally in nursing school and life is moving along. Craig is finally done with his MBA-yay! And had officially become the DO 121/135 for Cape Air! Exciting!
As the new year starts it is time for me to reflect on my life, my past, present and future. I need to see the blessings that are mine and too find a more positive outlook. The negativity that has plagued me for years needs to go. I need to feel happiness and joy-even in the little things. How I will do that, well that is still unknown. But I am working on it!! Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

And yet again I am a blog slacker!!!
Summer ended all too fast, it feels as though we barely had it and all of a sudden there are Christmas tree's everywhere, how did that happen?
All of the girls are doing well. Back in school and already looking forward to vacation, lol! Chloe turned 2 (where did my baby go!?) and is talking up a storm, she is so independent and smart that it is astonishing. I am still amazed at how quickly they grow up even though my oldest baby is 17, going on 18 in just 3.5 short months :( where does the time go?!
I am back at school and insanely busy with 3 classes. Microbiology is really hard and kicking my butt!!!!
Well that's it for today, but I promise to update more often :D

Not that anyone actually reads this, lol!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August already!

Well yet again, I have neglected my blogging duties! I will blame the summer and all that goes along with it :D
We are finally enjoying some summer-like weather, I thought it was never coming! Chloe likes the ponds although she was a bit hesitant to go in the water at first. She is now loving it and having a blast. Aimee is working part time, hanging with her friends and doing the normal teenage summer stuff (those were the days!) and the twins are spending a lot of time outside playing with two neighbors, enjoying numerous sleep-overs and all that good stuff! Craig took them to the Barnstable County Fair recently (Chloe didn't sleep well the night before and we were up a lot so we didn't go and Aimee opted to stay home with us since none of her friends could go with her) they went on lots of rides, saw the animals, birds of prey etc. and had a great time. Hopefully next year we will all get to go :)
Craig is working a lot, between Cape Air and school he is constantly busy, but it will be worth it in the end. He does try to get some leisure time in and went on a striped bass trip and a couple golf outings. He has his annual tuna trip next month and hopefully the weather cooperates!

Well I guess that is all for now! I will try to remember to post more often. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as well!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Way over due!

Well I did it again, lol, with all the things going on I have once again forgotten to keep up with the blog!
So lets see here is the latest and greatest:
Craig is still not on board with homeschooling which really saddens me. We are very different people who see things in a very different light. I fear there are things on which we will never see eye to eye *sigh*

I am DONE with school for the semester and managed all A's! WEEEHOOOO!!!! Well technically 2 A's & an A- but that's good enough for me b/c A&P II was a KILLER UGH!! So on to the next semester with microbio and put in my app. for the night program for fall of 2010...
Kids are out of school this week, yay!! Aimee has two half days left and the twins have a regular day tomorrow, Fenway and the duckboat on Wed. then a half day Thur. and that's it! I am excited for summer, now if only the weather will act like summer I will be ecstatic!
Aimee won two honors awards this year one in Web Design and one in Fine Art, my little artistic wonder! We are so very proud of her!

She has had some trials and tribulations with her friendships with M & V and sadly I think they are over. V I am not as concerned about as she went from a nice girl to poison over the past couple years. It's very sad b/c at one time we thought of her as family and now she is just sadistic and mean spirited and loves that she is that way. Very sad. M on the other hand is a huge disappointment to us, she was such a nice sweet kid with a heart of gold and she jumped on the V bandwagon and became the 'kick em when their down' girl that her counterpart is. I had no idea she had it in her to be so cruel, but alas, I guess we never really truly know someone until the chips are down and their true colors show. She has a true friend in Arthur and I have high hopes that it is lasting. High school is hard enough without having to lose your best friends too :(
All that being said I have to say that I have some of the worlds greatest kids, they are kind, caring and loving and keep their torture to each other, lol!!!
Craig's birthday is coming up this week and I am hoping for a nice weekend-weather and spirits! He is at work more often than not and I sometimes feel they get the best parts of him and we get the short end, but alas, I guess that can't be helped at this time :( He is happy with his position and they love him, so maybe I am being selfish, I don't know.
So with all that being said, I shall sign off and I am going to change my background to somethings summery in hopes it turns summer soon!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Busy spring happenings

So...long time no blog, lol!!! I have been busy with all the spring happenings!
We had Aimee's Confirmation this week, the twins big trip to NYC is this weekend-so we've been prepping for that, and tonight is-sniff sniff- PROM! I feel old!! But I am also VERY excited for my Aims! She and the boy she was dating called it quits this past week and he is not going to prom so Aimee is 'friend dates' with Vanessa-whose date also had to cancel. She is still in good spirits and looking forward to it and after prom. Can I just say how awesome After Prom is? We had nothing like this when I was in school-and yes I was part of the class that had the 'sit in' when they tried to cancel a prom party hosted by parents where there would be alcohol-Good Lord I was a lost child!! But I really appreciate the effort that is put into the after prom party, it should be a fun night for all! Of course by the time Aimee gets home (some time AFTER 5 a.m.) tomorrow she will be EXHAUSTED!!

I still don't have Craig sold on homeschool yet :/
We went to a nice gathering and met some families and then we took Craig along on a field trip with a group of homeschool families to the herring run. He enjoyed it but is still not sure it is a good idea. Sigh...I guess I will just try to convince him and hope it works out for the best.

Well I am off to begin prom prep. etc.!
OH PS-Happy Mothers Day all :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random thoughts

I am tired! Chloe has taken to rising anywhere between 5-5:45 a.m. With me trying to stay up after the kids are in bed to study, well lets just say I am a wee bit exhausted! I need to find that happy medium where I can spend time with the kids, study and still get to sleep-anyone know where that is? Lol! Only 5 weeks of school left! I am really hoping for a better experience this fall with the teachers I have gotten-they really do make all the difference in how well you learn!
This is how I know I will do a better job with the twins than their current teachers do, who loves them more than me? Who wants to see them succeed more than I do? I don't think there is anyone (besides their dad!) who can claim they do :) Once school is out for me and then the kids, we will have time to relax, deschool and plan for our new adventures starting this fall!
On another note, the girls are doing well. Chloe is learning and growing faster than I can believe. Aimee is at the tail end of her Junior year, planning for prom and looking forward to the summer. Cierra and Savannah are looking forward to their upcoming trip to NYC with their Girl Scout troop and Grammy Brown-that will be quite and adventure! I so wish I was going to, but having never left Chloe over night and it falling the same night as Prom, I am missing out on this one. I am sure they will have a wonderful time and see lots of sights and learn many things. Shylah...well she is the same, lol, no changing that beast!
Ahhhh the coffee is done, finally!! Until next time I bid you adieu!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have been doing a lot of thinking, soul searching and research and I am pretty confident that I want to homeschool Cierra and Savannah beginning this fall. It has been a fairly difficult decisions, because, well anything not mainstream society tends to be difficult! But after much consideration I think it is the best choice for us. They are not thriving in school like I would love to see them. There is a lot of tension with other kids. They don't love learning like they used to. I want that back! I have to get Craig sold on the idea, he is researching, reading and thinking on his own. We will visit this sometime in the near future I believe.
I have read so many websites, so many blogs, I fear (as I guess is natural) that I am highly inferior to the moms I have read about! They are super spiritual, organized, calm, sure, confident...I could go on! I, on the other hand, I am just me! I am not highly organized, tend to be a worry wort and stress case, I have religion and beliefs but am not overly religious or spiritual. I feel as though I am not nearly as good as these moms and hope that with learning along with my children-many lessons,not just school room types, but patience, to be more kind, more generous, I hope to become more like the moms I hold in high esteem. Fingers crossed that when I take the plunge and jump in, I don't sink!!! YIKES!!